Rating: 4 stars (out of 5)
Genre: romance
Review: On the one hand, this is a standard romance novel. Boy meets girl and there is instant attraction, but things are complicated, a few hijinks ensue, and finally everything gets worked out and they all live happily ever after. That's all true, and it's a very sweet, fun read.
But there's more going on here. Ruthie is very buttoned-up, and scared to leave her comfort zone. Teddy gives off louche, rich-kid vibe, and everyone tries to convince Ruthie that he's going to break her heart. Ruthie's not convinced though, and what Thorne does very well is give us a sense of the dichotomy between other people's perceptions of Teddy, and even his own actions, and the real Teddy, without ever shifting to Teddy's actual perspective, but through narrative descriptions of his body language.
Second First Impressions is not your grandmother's romance novel. With robust characters and writing that avoids cliché, this is a romance for anyone who wants to good story.
FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for this review.