Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jane Eyre with a twist

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Rating: 4 stars (out of five)
Genre: fiction, mystery, Gothic
Challenge: A-Z (title)
Review: This was a very engaging story. Written in the style of a Gothic novel, this story is very reminiscent of Jane Eyre, with a unique twist. The secret to the story is revealed to the reader as the main character figures it out, in a very realistic way.

What prevented this book from getting 5 stars was what I felt to be an unnecessary subplot that only served to bog the story down. I understand that our main character needed a "hook" of some kind to be convinced to write the biography she's been charged with writing, but I felt that Setterfield took the "ghost story" aspect of her lost twin too far.

That would not stop me from heartily recommending this book to anyone who likes Gothic novels.

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