Friday, June 21, 2019

oh, so lovely

Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes
Rating: 4.5 stars (out 5)
Genre: fiction
Review: Evvie (pronounced eh-vee) is not a misanthrope.  She's not particularly socially awkward.  She just... doesn't really feel like it right now.  A young widow, her husband died literally as she was preparing to leave him (he deserved to be left).  Except that nobody knows that; they all think she's properly grieving for him.  So, you know: guilt.

Dean is a former Yankees pitcher who's got the yips.  He's tried everything to get his arm back, but nothing works.  His childhood best friend is also Evvie's best friend, and it just so happens that Evvie also has an apartment in her house that would be perfect for Dean while he tries to figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life.

What follows is a fairly predictable boy-meets-girl story, with a few false notes.  But it is oh, so lovely.  Reading about Dean and Evvie made my heart happy.  Both characters leap off the page (seriously, I was tempted to look up and see if they were actually in my living room with me) and their trials and tribulations are both realistic and compassionately drawn.  Is this a perfect book?  No.  Do I think it's going to be very popular this summer?  Yes.  Do I highly recommend it?  Even more yes.

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for this review.

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