Wednesday, January 5, 2022

an essay for everyone

These Precious Days: Essays by Ann Patchett
Rating: 5 stars (out of 5)
Genre: essay collection
Review: There is something for everyone in this collection, whether long-time Patchett fans, or those just introduced to her.  Those who want a little insider's look into her craft will enjoy the essay on cover art.  There's an essay about her relationships with her father and stepfathers, an essay about her relationship with a close childhood friend, and essays about her love of the work of Eudora Welty and how she discovered Kate DiCamillo.  There's an essay on how she never wanted to have children, some sections of which are several pages, although she packs as much punch into the sections that are a single paragraph or even a single sentence.

And many more.

And really, who else could pull off an essay about how Snoopy is her role model as a writer, teaching her valuable lessons about rejection letters and how a writer doesn't need a fancy studio?  Ann Patchett is a wonder.

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for this review.

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